Mas Des Graviers

The Mas des Graviers is a peaceful vineyard close to Aix-en-Provence in the foothills of the St. Victoire mountain. Its 250 year old stone farmhouse has been meticulously restored by a Norwegian investor and art collector.

His family has invited artists from all over the world to the vineyard to work in the “footsteps of Cezanne” – who painted many of his most famous paintings near the Mas. The traditional provencal “mas” has featured in international travel and art magazines, and is sought after for weddings and family reunions.

Mas des Graviers – in the heart of Provence

Domaine du Mas des Graviers
Chemin Cezanne
Route de Rians
F 83910 Pourrieres , France

Kerstin ALLEN  (Gerante)
Tel :    +33 (0) 494784038
Mob:  +33(0) 6 30383166 (Kerstin)